How to Apply

Application deadline: Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Announcing openings for multiple T32 predoctoral traineeships in the U of U Genetics Training Program. The UGTP provides partial stipend support, supplemental funds, and training activities for graduate students doing genetic research, broadly defined.

The goal of our program is to support and augment the training that students receive within their home labs and departments. Trainees participate in year-round activities of the Training Program including: UGTP-sponsored seminars, the Annual Retreat, and HGEN 7850 Genetics Conferences, where trainees present their research and participate in discussions and workshops. All trainees also are expected to complete foundational and advanced coursework in genetics and computational methods.


We invite applications from graduate students just completing Years 1 or 2 and from MD/PhD students just completing Year MS2 or Research Year 1 who are conducting research in genetics. NIH requires that T32-supported trainees be US Citizens or Permanent Residents.

We particularly urge applications from (1) individuals from racial and ethnic groups that are underrepresented in the health-related sciences, (2) individuals with disabilities, and (3) individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. Links to NIH definitions and guidelines can be found here, which states,

NIH’s mission is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and to apply that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability. To achieve this mission, NIH invests in research to improve public health; it also devotes substantial resources to identify, develop, support and maintain its scientific resources, including human capital. NIH’s ability to ensure that it remains a leader in scientific discovery and innovation is dependent upon a pool of highly talented researchers. Promoting diversity in the extramural scientific workforce is critical to the success of the NIH mission.
— National Institutes of Health

Preparing your application

Before filling in the online application form, applicants should prepare the following documents as PDFs and request 3 letters of recommendation as required:

  • Your curriculum vitae with a description of your education, awards, research experience, presentations, publications, and any other academic or STEM-oriented activities, including outreach.

  • A short description of your thesis research project. The proposal should address the following points:

    • what is the "big problem" you wish to address;

    • what is the context of your mission is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and “NIH’s to apply that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.

    • what are the specific approaches you will take to address this question, formatted as a set of 2- 3 Aims. You should emphasize connections of your project to the field of genetics. Also briefly indicate progress, if any, you have accomplished so far. Include strategic literature references.

      There is a limit of two pages, not including references or figures. Font must be 11pt Arial, single spaced, with 1 inch margins.

  • Copies of your undergraduate and graduate academic transcripts. These can be informal; you do not need to obtain official copies.

  • All students: the committee's report from your 1st-year Capstone Exam, if available. (We realize that some graduate programs do not provide a written evaluation; if so, you can indicate this in your application.)

  • Second-year students: the committee's report from your Qualifying Exam, if available. (We realize that the timing of this requirement varies among departments and/or some departments do not provide a written evaluation; if so, you can indicate this in your application.)

You also will need to provide

  • Brief answers to the following questions: (1) What do you specifically hope to gain from participation in the UGTP? (2) What are your current career goals and interests?

  • Three letters of support. One must be from your faculty advisor (lab PI). Your advisor's letter must address the level of independence with which you developed your ideas and wrote your proposal.

    The other two letters should be from faculty most familiar with your academic or research potential (e.g., thesis committee members, rotation advisors, capstone/qualifying exam committee, or course instructors). Letters from faculty who know you as a graduate student are usually most informative, but for first-year applicants, one letter may be from an undergraduate research mentor.

    All LORs should comment on your specific strengths as well as your potential to benefit from and contribute to a diverse community of genetics trainees.

Submitting your application

Google form for submitting trainee’s application materials

  • Fill in all required fields, including statements of career interests and reasons for applying to the UGTP. Applicants are strongly encouraged to peruse the form and contact Gillian Stanfield with any questions prior to the deadline.

  • Individual application materials described above need to be saved in PDF format smaller than 10MB for upload.

  • You should fill in the entire form and submit all application materials in one session. Please check that you have uploaded correct materials prior to hitting submit.

Google form for submitting letters of recommendation

LORs should be submitted directly by the letter writers by June 18, 2024. The form accepts PDF and Word formats.