Training Program Activities

UGTP trainees participate in two years of intensive activities during which they receive stipend and tuition support, funds for health insurance and childcare if desired, and an allowance for either research-related costs or attendance at a conference or course.

Trainee Meetings

These meetings are the cornerstone of the Program. Trainees register for HGEN 7850 Genetics Conferences and meet ~biweekly with Program Directors. Sessions include trainee Research-In-Progress presentations as well as discussions and workshops covering topics including scientific rigor and ethics; professional development and career planning; diversity, equity, and inclusion in the scientific workplace; and wellness.

Genetics Interest Group Seminars

UofU GIG is closely allied with the UGTP and supported in part by the Office of the Associate Vice President for Research. GIG events are open to the university community and held ~monthly during the academic year. They include lectures about a historical or emerging topic in Genetics, seminars from Uof U faculty and visiting scientists about their research, and lectures focused on science ethics. To join the mailing list for the [GIG schedule]link and announcements, email []link.

Annual Retreat

The UGTP holds an annual retreat in which trainees present their research and interact with other members of the genetics training community. Other activities include seminars from visiting scientists, discussions of topics chosen by the trainees, poster sessions, and career talks from alumni.

Our [2024 Retreat]link was held in May at Zermatt Resort in Midway, Utah. We were joined by Dr. Karen Guillemin, U of Oregon Institute of Molecular Biology, and Dr. Bruce Appel, U of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.


In addition to learning about each others’ projects through attending research-in-progress talks, trainees are expected to visit another trainee’s lab for a “mini-sabbatical” in which they might observe an experiment, learn a new method, or even collaborate on a joint project.

Mentoring mentors

Trainee mentors are asked to participate in activities designed to enhance the mentorship environment. New trainees and mentors are provided tools to create a shared Mentorship Agreement with goals for success and a plan for ongoing communication. We also work with UofU [BREO]link to provide biyearly Mentoring Workshops where mentors can share best practices and learn from one another.

Other Requirements

All trainees are required to complete coursework in foundational and advanced genetics, biostatistics, and research ethics, some of which is typically completely prior to their appointment to the UGTP. Regardless of their area of research, we encourage trainees to select courses that will broaden their understanding of different areas of genetics and include both genomic/computational methods as well as more classical approaches.