About the UGTP

The goal of the Genetics Training Program (UGTP) at the University of Utah is to give a diverse set of outstanding predoctoral researchers a broad education in genetics, intensive training in the process of performing and evaluating research in a rigorous and ethical manner, and mentorship and support of their development as productive members of society who apply their training in ethics, inclusiveness, and genetics during their careers.


Thesis Defense

Recent trainee Paige Haffener defended her thesis “Evolutionary Analyses of Red Blood Cell Variation and Haemosporida Parasites of Primates” on May 20, 2024. Congratulations, Dr. Haffener!


The Annual Genetics Training Grant Retreat was held at Zermatt Resort in Midway, Utah on May 6-7, 2024. Current and recent trainees, mentors, Program faculty, and special guests Dr. Karen Guillemin (U of Oregon) and Dr. Bruce Appel (U Colorado Medical- Anschutz) braved late spring snowstorms to talk about science and science ethics in the beautiful Heber valley.

Retreat Schedule

Call for Applications

Apply Now to become a Genetics Trainee! We are currently accepting applications from early-stage PhD and MD/PhD students who are doing research in genetics in genomics. Please see LINK and reach out if you have questions about eligibility or the program. Deadline for all application materials and letters of recommendation is June 18, 2024.

More About the UGTP

Genetics is the study of how the information governing traits of an organism is decoded, how this information is stably passed on between generations, and how variant traits, including altered appearance, behaviors, birth defects, or disease states, arise. Studying the functions of genes, the control of their expression, and the effects of genetic variation give practical insights into how normal development and health are established and maintained, and how changes in gene function and expression contribute to congenital defects, aging, the origins of cancer, and the basis of many diseases.

Our Training Program is designed and implemented so that trainees acquire a strong knowledge base of and skills in applying:

• Genetics fluency

• Scientific rigor and integrity

• Independent research productivity

• Awareness of scientific careers

• Professional skills

• Tools to enhance equitable and inclusive environment